Second City Roleplay

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Second City Rookie Guide

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Second City Roleplay

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How to go about creating a storyline or partaking in any server based on realistic activities

First off when you first load into a serious roleplay server you want to start by making a character when making a character try your best to make your character look realistic and not like you are in a 100k or die about to teleport to a red zone. (i.e. facepaint, unrealistic mask, etc.) Also, remember to make a realistic and unique name, do not load in the server, and make your character named after a celebrity or a known person. Once you've completed creating your character you are now on the road of creating a storyline, remember this is not your real-life story; have fun and create an unremarkable storyline be different!​

How To Correctly /me & /do

When it to comes serious roleplay /me & /do is a very big part of you interacting with others within the server, everyone makes it harder than it is. The reason for displaying a /me is to show an action your character is doing that can not be shown through actions or emotes. It also is for expressing how your character's mood or expression is at the moment. When displaying a /me or /do please use correct grammar, we all either almost graduated from school or have some school experience to where we know how to type a proper grammar sentence. A /do is used to describe what happening in your environment that players can not see, answer descriptive questions to other players, and describe yourself. You can not lie in a /do or it will fall under power gaming.
When displaying a /me or /do remember to type in 3rd POV not 1st or 2nd, 3rd, also no profanity, and correct grammar once again.​

Example of /me and /do in a scene:
Jason is driving a car he runs a light the police officer pulls him over.
The police officer says: pull over and turn the ignition off.
Jason pulls the car to the side then he types "/me Turns the car ignition off, he then rolls the window down".
The police officer hops out of his cruiser and approaches Jason, he then asks Jacob for his license and registration.
Jason writes "/me reaches over into the glovebox and grabs his license along with his registration, he hands it to the officer".
The officer writes "/me grabs all of the male's information, he then walks back to his cruiser and runs the males information".
The officer finishes running Jacob's information he then walks back to Jason vehicle, hands Jacob the information back and takes a quick sniff inside of Jason car.
The officer writes "/me takes a quick sniff inside of Jason vehicle" then he writes "/do What type of odor will the officer smell as he sniffs the inside of Jason vehicle?"
Jason writes "/do The officer will smell a fried chicken odor".
The officer then walks back to his cruiser and leaves.

The scene is now over and you've successfully utilized /me & /do, it's very simple, obviously you do not have to type the extra words or make the /me & /do that long this is just an example, it's common sense.
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